so, its hv been 4 months im here... many things ive learned in here... n still a lot more to learn... actually technicall my 1st sem already finished a week ago, but due to my anatomy lecturer always bz, my group hv to extend our class.. so, basically, we finished our class just this friday... so 3 weeks winter break only lef 2 weeks only... poor us :-(
anyway, still glad that ive pass this sem with no prob.. i even got automatic 5 for my Philosophy exam which is the highest mark... alhamdulillah.. syukur sgt2 :-)
so, next sem is where my nigtmare officially begin.. i still remember when i was doing my foundation in MSU, s alam, my bio lec said that my true nightmare will officially started when i learn about something related to metabolism (its about biochemistry) we learned n hv to memorised the phosporylation of pyruvate.. then kreb cycle... haishh.... at that time only Allah know how that thing can make me go cray (still sane here :-P)
well, such a relieve that things hv passed but with a poor result on my exam.. score B+ only for my Bio... well that time im still not used to Uni exam system... so, my first sem result during foundation not so great... n thats the reason i cant score 3.8 n above.. just got 3.79 :-P hmmm... let bygone be bygone... sumer perkara ade hikmah nyer :-)
anyway, got 2 more weeks for my holiday b4 i start my 2nd sem... so, in 2nd sem, ill learn these subjects... hope i can do well in my kontrol, colloq n not to forget my exam... pls doa2kan lah yer supaya sy dpt wat yg terbaik n everything goes smoothly :-)
1) russian language
2) latin language
3) philosophy
4) History of medicine
5) biology
6) anatomy
7) histology
8) chemistry
9) mathematics n physics
10) physical training
hope can excell in all above subject n can go back malaysia with all 5... insyaAllah.. will do my best... :-)