This is putoyoy... this pic was taken when tgn dyer sakit time tu... sy bela dyer time sy dok sec 24 then moved to sec 10 n to Kg Melayu Subang.. yeah.. sy bela dyer since kecik lg... then biler dh pindh subg, a few days after that dyer ilang secara tetibe... maybe dyer sesat kat subg tu sbb dyer x familiar... i think it still there in KMS tp the sad part it doesnt recognised me anymore... everytime i try to approach it, it will run away :'(
this is sonam... hmm.. actually this is not my cat... this my sister cat kat sec 24... this pic was taken after it recovered from accident... after the accident my sister said that it face very terrible... it didnt want to eat anything... it sit alone in the porch... but now, it already fully recovered... bery montel... suker sgt cubit pipi dyer :-D
This is teh andung... well we call it Teh cos it is putih n andung because it mengandung... NOT!!! it does not pregnant but it looks like one... perut dyer mmg sntiase bsr camtu kot... berbulan2 lamer nyer kitorg tugu tuk anak nyer kuar, tp x kuar2 pon...huhuhuhu... actually this is not my cat... dyer dtg umah just nk tunjukkan kecomelan dyer kat sy jer... tp slalu dyer dtg maybe mengharap kitorg bela dyer kot... tp ati kitorg x terbuka lg utk bela kucing that time... tp suddenly muncul Tino La Ni, trus ati kitorg terbuakak utk bela si Tino ni... ape lg, mengamuk lah Si Teh Andung... abes dyer keje kan Tino since dua2 betina... last2 Teh Andung give up n dyer x dtg umah kitorg lg utk tunjukkn kemontelan dyer... kdg2 jer sy nmpk dyer atas bumbung umah dok sorg2 smbil memandang bintang dan mengenang nasib :-p lupe nk bg tau... si Teh Andung ni ade skandal... namer dyer Wambi...
This is Wambi... well obviously i named it cos dyer cam suami kpd Teh Andung... hmm tp btol ke suami ek??? sbb Teh Andung ni suke jual mahal n wambi ni lak low self esteem... so, x tau ah camner kisah cinta diorg... tp ngomelan Wambi mmg paling comel :-p
This is Tino La Ni... dyer btol2 x cumel actually tp ntah camner ati kitorg terbukak utk trima dyer n x trima Teh Andung... so this proved that sy x judged meow but its appearence :-p Tino ni really cam kucing kampung... really innocent... sgt bertentangan ngan sikap Teh Andung... last2 dyer ngandung ade kucing jantan maner tah ngandung kan dyer pastu x nk bertanggungjawab... tp time tu Tino kecik lg... x baper reti jg anak dyer... then masuk pseekor kucing jantan kat umah kitorg n bunuh ana2 Tino :'( time tu Tino deppressed sgt... sbb anak kesygn dyer dua2 mati dibunuh...

then after a few months, dyer andung lg.... n berjaya melahirkan 3 kittens yg teramat cumel... seekor dyer lahirkan sblh sy time sy tido (sy terpegang tembuni dyer time tu trus terjg n prasan ade darah2), seekor lg dyer lahirkan kat bawah katil kat bilik kakak n lg seekor lg dlm kotak...
Tino ni mmg typical kucing kampung yg x berpengatahuan... dyer x tau langsung psl jg anak... tp motherly instinct dyer kuat, so dyer ajar ah anak2 dyer maner yg patut... n dyer sgt protective... everytime sy culik anak dyer msti dyer isau n marah kat sy :-p

the sad part is a few weeks sy kat Moscow ni, mak decided utk buang dyer n 2 anak dyer :'-( so tinggal seekor jer skarang kat umah... namer dyer Khell... slalu kalo sy skype call kakak kat umah msti nk tgk Khell... cpt sgt dyer membesar... dulu kecik jer... makin macho dyer :-p
ngomelan Wambi
Kisah Chenta Teh Andung n Wambi
p/s: sy pon nk kasih syg gak leh x??? :-p