some of the 2nd year guy... red cobra...
one more entry yg dh lapuk... hehehe... x update2.. too busy... so this entry let me share with u about what happened during the Interbatch Sport '10... it was 4th of december 2010.. so, this is my 2nd interbatch game... the first one was last year... if im not mistaken, i did posted an entry mentioning about the previous interbatch game...
everyone just start to assemble b4 the ceremony began...
heavy breakfast for acap... 3 chicken chop... hahaha....
busu the mascot for 2nd yr team...
so i participated in volleyball match... last year i participated in touch rugby... but this yr we dont hv that rugby... so i played volleyball... that sports day was held from morning until night... its match between batches...
1st year - orange
2nd year - red
3rd year - white
4th year - green
5th year - blue
6th year - yellow/black
4th year - green broccoli...
6th year team who will be graduating this summer... good bye seniors =)
2nd year male futsal team...
this sports only among malaysian... just untuk mengeratkan silaturrahim between the malaysian students in RSMU... hmmm... theres also many stalls opened... selling a wide variety of foods... n the food that must hv is malaysian food such as mee kari, nasi lemak, n others...
2nd year female volleyball team...
2nd year male handball team...
sy beli laksa... ngidam nk makan... hek2.. ^_^
so, about the volleyball male, firstly 2nd year vs 6th year... yup... we lose... they r just so strong... we lose both game...
2nd match we as 2nd year vs 5th year... as easy as pie... hahaha... a piece of cake... kami bantai mereka cukup2... we won both sets...
3rd match vs 4th year... also won... easy... won both sets...
jualan dr MASSAD.. =)
2nd year male volleyball team... im there =p
5th year blue team..
4th match,,, quite sad here... we r overconfident of our skill... we tought that we'll win it... but the 1st set we lose.... its made us shocked... then on the 2nd set, we become more focus n we manage to win... so, its a draw match vs 3rd year...
last match... the decision match... vs 1st year... the 1st year nvr lose a single game... they even draw when they had match with 6th year student... btw, 6 year won all the game n draw vs 1st year student.... this shows that 1st year is quite strong team... so, we had a hard time to defeat the 1st year team.... 1st set we lose 12-15.. the 2nd set also we lose 12-15...
penalty kick by Fel.. 2nd year futsal female...
the strong 6th year male volleyball team...
azri, awee, me, izza, acap n sherman (the best sportsman)
well, i guess we tried our best... its just not our day... we lose to 1st year n 6th year team... draw vs 3rd year... n won against 4th n 5th year... as for female volleyball team, 2nd year team managed to get 2nd place... they lose to 6th year too... but the difference from us, the male 2nd year team is, they won against 1st year... quite challenging team... 1st year team quite strong...
hehehe... candid...
hampers n trophies...
so, theres also many other sports... we had netball, basketball, futsal, handball n tug-o-war or tarik tali... so, according to total scoreboard, the 1st year should get no 2... but there is one person in 1st yr team who created a problem n asked for a fight which the referee deducted their marks...
result of male volleyball match...
final scoreboard...
so, finally the final mark is:
last place - 3rd year
5th place - 1st year
4th place - 2nd year
3rd place - 5th year
2nd place - 6th year
1st place - 4th year (broccoli)
well, im not quite sure about 3rd place n 2nd place... sorry cant remember... so, thats it... the interbatch '10.. i hope the pic will explain the rest... cant wait for the next interbatch game...=)
kat tontong air kitorg!!
me with sherman who is the best sportman for that interbatch n who also my roomate n my classmate...