Kami ^_^
biler x derk saper pasan sy snap pics...
januari dah nk abes dh.... tp sy baru nk update psl new year... hek2... sorri... k New Year 2011 nih sy still celebrate kat Moscow, together with my friends here... that morning we went to Metropolis just to see wether the winter sale already reached its peak or not... but i think still not yet... have to wait a bit more... so, i went with azri, awee, acap, harris n blanche...
sy nyer shot msti cantek2 =)
baked potato with cheese n mushroom topping...
торговый центр kat metropolis
we all just window shopping... nobody bought anything... only harris suddenly wanted to buy hip hop hat... hehehe... he's really an unpredictable guy... actually at first we planned to got to Mega... cos there theres also Ikea where blanche wanted to buy pillow... but we all changed our mind last minute...so everyone agreed to go to metropolis.... we ate there... n just browse from each shop to another one...
everyone already tired...
rest kat starbuck jap...
so, quite lamer we hang out there... im sooo tired that time... raser cam lutut nk tertanggal... then we went back home... n as for me just b4 midnight, i went to park near my hostel with acap n harris... see fireworks there n suddenly a guy just chased us... acap n harris left me behind =_=" so, that guy pushed me n i fell on the thick snow.... then he body slammed me... hahahahaha.... naaa... dont worry... he's malaysian too... he's my senior... then i got back home with my jeans quite wet cos the snow all over my jeans... so, this year not much snowball fight like last year... but i still enjoyed it.... i think thats all for now... take care... =)

whose pants is this??? its our microbiology lecturer's (Svetlana) pants.... yup... shes the one who likes to wear sluar tido... n when she teaches us, its like she dont hv enough air to breath in... =p i still remember that me n my friends ask her where is our teacher... then she answered "she's LOCALISED in uchebnaya komnata" hehehe.... dyer ajar microb bnyk sgt smpi dyer ingatkan cikgu kitorg microorganism sbb penggunaan perkataan localised tuh... hek2....