Sunday, January 30, 2011

Vegas Mall

 blanche, acap, aiman n pinky...

hate the muddy trail =_="

last tues went to Vegas Mall... located near Domodedovo airport... quite far from my hostel actually... but doesnt matter cos nothing to do in my room... since already semester break... so i went with blanche, awee, acap, pinky n our tour guide Aiman =p

 the Vegas Mall...

 puak batak biler jumper directory yg touch screen nyer...

 just an ordinary signboard...

 cam kat times square... ade theme park inside the mall... n ade ice ring for skating...

so, we left our hostel around 11am... took bus to teplii stan... then took bus to that place... the total journey approximately 1 hour by bus... fell asleep in the bus... dont know but i felt very sleepy that day... maybe because i was awakened by my alarm... yeah... still lock the alarm eventhough its holiday... hahaha...

 bumbung dyer...

 ermmm ni area aper ntah namer dyer...

 wheel of fortune... ehh!!

so, we just walk2 around the mall... its quite new there... not many people... not sure y not many people... maybe because weekday or maybe most people at their home hibernating... or maybe they went out of russia... to escape this Russian winter... anyway, about that place, right now ade sale... so, some of the goods r very cheap... i cant believe when i saw a girl shoe cost only 100rb... yeahh... its hard to find cheap stuff here... so jadi batak jap when i saw barang yg cheap.... hek2...

 Vegas mall @ Moscow... =p

 pujuk saper tuh acap??? =p

 meja makan rendah pulak... nk sgt dok tmpt special... padan muker.. =p

 mushroom sup...

choc+mint shake

so, i bought a winter coat... cost 1000rb... then we ate at the food court... i bought fish roll at mcdonald restaurant... n bought also choc+mint shake.... n a bowl of mushroom soup... the rest also just eat  quite the same thing... n not to forget there was a drama going on that time... hek2... =p

 Fish roll...

 apple pancake...

 hahaha... acap takot ek kene amek gmbr while tgk makan??? =p

 jom makan~

waiting for awee to choose his jacket...

then, i went back early with aiman... felt very tired n sleepy... while the rest continue on shopping... ermm.. so, i guess thats all... nite2...

 the mall is just next to highway... its like Empire in subg jaya or in mid valley...

 have to use the jejantas to cross the road...

otw balik hotel...
