hello guys... just wanted to update about my classmates birthday in one entry... it was acap's, ibu's, blanche's n harris's birthday... we did in 2 seperate celebrations... not much i want to write here... just enjoy the food ya ;)
acap's birthday...
ibu's birthday...
ahh the theme for ibu n acaps' birthday celebration is KFC... so ada ayam goreng KFC (buat sndiri), mashed potatoes with mushroom sauce, coleslaw, chicken rice, kek batik n choc cake...
kek batik =)
choc cake =)
mmg susah nk buat surprise birthday nih... atur lah mcm maner pon... msti terkantoi.. x jd... x per lah yg penting ade usaha utk celebrate dorg... buat dorg epy2...
Blanche's birthday...
harris's birthday...
roti jala version Hulk... hek2...
for harris n blanches' birthday there are roti jala with kari, ayam masak lemak cili api, dadih (ahhh sy x dpt aser lg) ikan sweet sour, sambal telur puyuh, cheesecake n strawberry butter cake... n of course with rice... mmg sedap gler... huk2...
birthday boy suap birthday girl...
rambut dah pendek!!! =D nmpk dahi jendul =p
ahh to u guys... epy befday ya... smoga bertmbh murah rezeki, epy2 slalu n sihat2 sntiasa... jom kter samer2 berusaha utk menjadi doctor yg berjaya... =)
pinky roomate blanche...
Strawberry butter cake....
ermm i think thats all for now... jumper lagi nnt...