Saturday, February 20, 2010

Boys Outing...

Yesterday i went out to shopping complex at Kievskaya with my kwn2 lelaki... so it can be considered as boys outing... we went there actuallu my roomate n Awie want to buy some outfit... so, we skip Histology lecture (mati kalo mak tau) n went there... we went there from 1pm until around 10 pm if im not mistaken... yup almost 9 hours in that place... actually we only went to about 4 shops only... but Sherman x tau nk bli aper... so keep on trying every cloth...

its very tiring day... last2 dyer jumper gak aper yg dyer nak... a jacket, jeans n kasut... altogether cost him 3300rubles... Awie lak bli topi kalo x silap... n kat kedai Topman tu Vos berjaya wat 'kawan' ngan sorg russian... kaki dyer kurus sgt... Acap panggil kaki patah... sbb kalo sepak skali leh trus patah... seyes... cam tulang jer ade...

so mase nk blk tu tetibe awie nyer student card n hostel pass lak ilang... so kitorg patah blk ke shopping complex tu... luckily we hvnt went inside the train... so, we went back to Pull n Bear shops n asked the cashier there... luckily we just learned how to say when our belongings are lost in russian... so sng ckit... n alhamdulillah, jumper blk brg tu... so awie, shaurma for me k!!! 80 RUBEL JER KOT :-p

tugu bas kat Yugo Zapadnaya

Salji lebat... x suker tugu bas kat kaw ni... sjuk teramat...

mam kat food court... mknn bli from kebab house...

ni actually amik secara x sengaja... x rancang pon... tu yg berterabur...

dlm lif just b4 ramai nasuk lif tu...


  1. 7 jejaka macho,betul ker?...
    xnampak pun Aziz kat atas tu..

  2. sy jer kene snap pics... sian sy :(
    mase tugu bas tu nk snap pic sy tp bas lak dh smpi... so no pic of me... sedey tol :(

