Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fried Rice Competition =)

RMSA Cooking Club - Fried Rice Competition 2010

Semalam, Cooking Club RMSA (betul x?? x baper sure :-p) anjurkan Cooking Competiton... tema dyer Fried rice... so dlm 13 kump joined comp ni... besh btol... masuk perut berkeroncong jer... tugu utk dig in... tp kontrol... cover macho... cam slalu :-P

my classmate: Bene, Farah, Ibu... dpt no 2... cool...

so, comp ni terbuka dr 1st smpi 6th yr... tp ramai dr 1st yr jer yg join... so, dorg msk kat bilik masing2... satu kump dlm 2-4 org...then kol 1.30 sumer kene hidang kat hall comp tu... mcm2 variasi nasi gr...n namer pon plik2 smpi susah nk ingat...

Peserta pertandingan

kat bwh ni gmbr2 nasi grg dyer... mcm2 komen juri bg... ade yg ok... ade yg nasi dyer cam sushi... huhuh... tp paper pon, sy bangga... sbb my classmate: Farah, Ibu n Benev dpt no 2... fuyooo... its all tanx to my blender :-p (nk gak kredit... kalo menyampah jgn bace k :-p) heheh..
dorg msk ermmm... Hawaiian Sumpitan Lemon Fried Chicken (sy pon x sure btol ker x namer ni... sowi kalo slh) dap gak ah... sbb dpt rase...

so, lps abes comp tu sumer aper lg... serbu ah kat nasi grg tu... smpi sy x smpt nk snap pic dorg dh dig in... adeh... kebulur nmpk...

Group Ian bersaudara....... Hawaiian Sumpitan Lemon Fried Chicken

no 3.................................. no 4

no 5............................................ no 6

no 7.......................................... no 8

no 9..................................... no 10

no 11.......................................... no 12

4 season....

p/s: yer sy x hafal sumer namer nasi grg tu... plik2 ah...

awie kepedasan.... huhuuh...

1 comment:

  1. Your blog writing and photo was cool... And this year we going to have Fried Rice Competition again... :)

