Monday, November 8, 2010

3rd Trial: Banana Cake with Cream Cheese + Befday Sherman

 Banana Cake with Cream Cheese

 hehe.. lubg terbsr lak sbb cucuk guner pisau... this gmbr maser baru kuar dr oven...

 then, sy pki kan dyer ngan baju cream cheese... n tabur kan ngan serbuk koko...

arini befday roomate sy, Sherman tay... umur dyer officially dh 19... yup.. he's younger than me... hes not only my roomate but also my classmate... so, pg2 bgn trus gigih wat cake utk celebrate his birthday... we celebrated his birthday a day earlier cos tommorow we hv histo colloq n physio presentation... so, we afraid that we cant prepare something for him...

 tugu vos n harris dtg...

so, as form me, i baked banana cake with cream cheese that morning... sy wat dua lapis... in between cake tu sy salut ngan cream tuh n pisang yg sy hiris halus2.... so, pg2 trus wat cos x mo mndi... hahaha... seyesly air kat sini sjuk thp air peti sejuk... maybe almost beku air dyer... air tuh kalo kene kepala, beku otak jap... kene tinger, cam nk putus tinger...kalo kumur2, kiter dpt raser yg pulp dlm dentin gigi tu, detect stimulus yg melebihi suprathreshold level yg menyembabkan production action potential... erkk... aper sy mepek nih... hee... aper yg sy cuber ckp, yg air tu terlmpau sjuk menybbkan sy mls nk mndi... bkn sy sorg k... aser2 nyer almost all penghuni hostel dom 39 nih....k lah.. meh kiter smbg citer...

 "Lakman" noodles yg ade bnyk sayur n minyak... ade dgg ckit gler...

 "Plov" yg tasteless... x aser aper2... kene ltk garam sndiri baru ok...

 "Shupa" sup yg maner sy wat lg sedap...huhuhu...

 "Kuri Gril" or chicken grill... ayam golek kat mesia lg murah... kat tepi jln jerk leyh jumper... huhuh...

so, mlm tu kitorg satu group g cafe halal n wat celebration tuh kat situ... cos kitorg sumer cam x derk maser utk masak2... so bli mknn kat situ jerk... n blnjer sherman aper jerk dyer nk... so kitorg order "Plov" , "Lakman", "Shupa" (x sure btol ker x) n dua ekor "Kuri Gril" then kitorg order 4 "Chainik"... then nyanyi prlhn2 cos x mo wat bising sgt kat kedai tuh... org pndg jerk kan... huhuh...

 sherman make a wish..

 tgk style dyer potong cake... hahah... x silap last year dyer potong cake pon camtuh...

so, blk tu kitorg rest jap kat ostel... fuhh baju bau semacam cos kat kafe halal tuh terperap tmpt dyer... cooking oil droplets melekat kat baju... x besh to... btw, cake sy tuh menjd... huhuh... padahal sy maen2 agak2 jerk quantiti bhn2 dyer...  alhamdulillah sumer suker... Ibu siap bawak potongan yg kecik kat bilik cos dyer nk mkn kat bilik...ahhahaha....

 mkn cover2... amik jerk ayam tuh n ratah.. abes citer...

 ezzad mkn bnyk ah... asyik amek protein jerk tp still kurus... haihh..

 hahha... terbaekkk....

Btw, sherman... epy birthday yg ke 19... hope u always success in ur study, love n life... i know i might not be a great roomate... sy mmg x derk perasaan sgt... thats y ur love problem, i seem just dont care about it... its just me... but aper2 pon u can always count on me... im a type of guy who appreciate the value of friendship... i dont care if the others dont treat me as their friend... but u can alwyas trust me...

 awee cover... blanche siap pose agy tuh...

perghh... mmg terbaek... sumer mkn abes... sy x suker org mkn x abes ^_^


  1. lapsha??lakman kn??huu..
    bkn cover..kuri gril pns sgt la wey..huhu..

  2. orait..
    patot ah ader aser cam sumthing...

  3. ajiz...
    serius salute kek tu....
    dah semakin improve...
    cantik ar sebab kemas sangat2!!!
    mesti sedap kan....
    combination cake pisang + cream cheese...

    meriah korang celebrate birthday...
    mesti terharu bezday boy tu ar =)

  4. haah...
    kek pisang tuh sedap ah..
    amek kat
    aser nyer ade bace komen k rai kat situ gak..
    wat cream chez tu sbb nk abes kan chez yg sy bli ritu...

