Monday, February 21, 2011

Summer '10 Part 19 - TGIF (Thank God Its Friday)

yah n anita...

continue form the previous entry..

so, the next day, i went out with my sister (yah) n her friend anita wak rojen aka belle =p she treated me n my sister eat at TGIF... cos he just received her salary for that month... actually we get discount because most of the worker in tgif r our friends... even the manager... so let me tell the story about me n TGIF...

 mac n chez

 fettuchini shrimp n chic if im not mistaken...

 not sure what is it call... but it taste good... it taste even better cos i got to eat it all... cos girls eat very little... so i as a man hv to finish it for them... =p

actually, after spm, i worked i tgif for about 5  months... part time but worked like a full timer... at first im very shy to go to this restaurant eventhough that time my sister work there as a part timer... then she suddenly call the manager saying that someone is looking for a job... that time i just walk by the tgif with my friends... then, we fill up the form n the manager asked us to come a few days later... we went for the an interview... then my friend tarik diri.. so im all alone... the only new dub-dub (waiter)... but a few days later few others new dub-dub came n joined me.... even the famous artist now... Shahz Jaszle... not sure whether i got his name correctly... hahahha....
 bottomless ice lemon tea n the other one just simply sky juice with lemon squeeze... we ordered a glass of ice lemon tea with 3 straw... hehehe... =p actually its very annoying for the waiter if a customer order in such manner =p

mac n cheese...

so, i worked there n gain as many experience as i can before i continue to further my study... really fun working there... eventhough very tiring... i met many foreigners... i practice my english speaking skills... n i learn how to mingle... but most of all, i earn my own money... my own salary... really happy to get rm1000++ a month... ^_^ lots of memories there... scolded by customers, scold my teamate, boss belanja makan, give the customer the food that already fallen... ooopss... steal brownies n cookies n cream... secretly eat the strawberry dip into hot choc sauce from the fridge... not to mentioned kantoi makan depan manager... n bnyk lg... hahahhaa...

below are all my friends who work in tgif... got only pic of the waiter/ waitress n the SPG... the kitchen crew too busy cooking =p

 shahz jaszle

 emanuel "the bull" he is super huge...

 divino hansome boi ;)

 eddy n elmer..




 abu n mark...

 fizz yg cool~

 mimie yg dh jd manager dh skang nih...

jesse n amir... miss holding that much of money... ^_^


  1. wah..sonoknyer jumpa kwn lama.
    at the same time first tempat keje.
    hemm...sweet memory.

