Sunday, May 23, 2010

Approaching The End Of 1st Year of Medical Student....

ermmm... rest jappp.... nk tgk aper menanti 2-3 minggu ni...

isnin, 24/5 -x der paper...
selasa 25/5 - colloq bio, kontrol latin
rabu 26/5 - x der paper
khamis 27/5 - colloq chem, test philo
jumaat 28/5 - common test (digestive, respiratory n urogenital)
sabtu 29/5 n ahad 30/5 - wat h/work, notes, chatting :-p

isnin 31/5 - ade histo n russian (x tau ade kontrol or colloq ke x)
selasa 1/6 - colloq latin
rabu 2/6 - exam fizik... =_="
khamis 3/6 - x der paper kot....
jumaat 4/6 - colloq anat (central nervous system)
sabtu 5/6 n ahad 6/6 - cam bese... hehehe...

isnin 7/6 - big test russian (maybe on this date), histo x tau ah camner... haishhh... errkkk... ade general test chem... WTH!! =_="

rabu 16/6 - exam bio

isnin 21/6 exam latin

p/s: x der study week tuk prepare fizik n chem =_="

lps tu enjoyyyy... g bli souvenir.... smpi ah tugu mase nk blk mesia tibe ^__^

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