Sunday, June 13, 2010

Zachut 1st year... Settled!!

hahah.... sorry geng... dh lamer x update blog... bz teramat ngan colloq... kiut kan meow2 kat atas ni?? kucing ima.. namer dyer shiro... tp dyer x leh dok diam....

at last...
setel sumer zachut...
ke sepuluh2 dh dpt...
the last one is the hardest to get....

 last minute revise b4 berjuang wat general test chem, n alhamdulillah sumer dr group 13b pass general test ni... *note that even vos concentrate studying*

smlm menghadap buku text histo yg tebal tu...
berjam2 lamernyer...
n pg td....
n dpt pon tanda tgn cikgu tu....
 ntah aper ntah jd kat sherman.. kata dh ready for chem, then suddenly dyer nyer result *tuuuttt* actually this is not the first time...

now what???
preparing for the bio exam...
this 16th june....
my first n will be my last exam for the 1st year....
will do my besh...
hope to get excellent mark...
Alhamdulillah... all zachut cleared... kesepuluh2 subjek setel.. dh dpt dopus skali... lega...
have to get...
cos i need to apply for scholar...
or loan...
so that i can continue to study in here...
cos i dont have money left...
harap everything will go smoothly...
cam skang....
n arap ia kekal slama yg boleh ke-smooth-an ni....

 now, hv to pay for flight ticket kl-moscow fot this sept... bye2 duet... T_T


  1. MSMU kan? Btw,mcm mna level chem ngn bio d sana coz sy pun dlm proses ke sna x lama lg.

